A job to get the position of an employee

static void GetPosOFEmployees(Args _args)
   HcmWorker hcmWorker;
   HcmPositionWorkerAssignment workerAssignment;
   HcmPosition hcmPosition;
   HcmPositionDetail   hcmPositionDetail;

   while select recid, person from hcmWorker
       join worker, position from workerAssignment
       where workerAssignment.Worker == hcmWorker.RecId
       join recid from hcmPosition
       where hcmPosition.RecId == workerAssignment.Position
       join position, description from hcmPositionDetail
       where hcmPositionDetail.Position == hcmPosition.RecId
       info(strFmt("%1's position is %2",hcmWorker.name(), hcmPositionDetail.Description));
Note that HcmPositionWorkerAssignment is a validTimeState table. The above query will only retrieve position assignment that is currently active.
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